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Supporting mechanistic modelling for survival

DEBtox Researc

On-line short course

On-line open
GUTS short course. Roman Ashauer and Tjalling Jager have provided an on-line half-day short course on the openGUTS software at the virtual SETAC Europe in May 2020. Since SETAC was virtual that year, we also had the course on-line, with a mixture of on-demand lectures, homework exercises, and plenary video sessions. Tjalling has turned this material into a publicly-available on-line short course at Leanpub: This version does not include interaction with the instructors (so it is completely DIY), but we have added some quizzes to test your skills with openGUTS. Note that this course is not free, though it is very friendly priced, and you can simply obtain a no-questions-asked refund from Leanpub if you think the course was not worth its price.

Dedicated openGUTS course

Regular GUTS courses. Since the release of the first version of openGUTS, we have had the intention to provide a regular, commercial course on using GUTS in risk assessment of plant protection products. This course should apply the openGUTS standalone software, and possibly the Matlab version as well. So far, however, our intentions have been thwarted by various issues (a.o., job changes and the corona crisis), and, we must admit, interest in such a course has not been overwhelming. Therefore, at the moment, these ideas are on hold. We have been contemplating various formats, such as an open course on a teaching location, non-open courses on-site (e.g., at a regulatory authority's or company's premises), or an on-line interactive course. We love to hear about your course wishes: if you are interested in an openGUTS course, feel free to contact Tjalling Jager (DEBtox Research) by email (also see email address at the bottom of this page). Given sufficient interest, some people from the 'GUTS community' might want to pick this up again. If we (or others) have more concrete plans we will post them here.

Other interesting courses and events

  • The Autumn School on TKTD modelling is running again by end of 2024 (Oct/Nov) with an on-line and on-site (in Denmark) part. This is a more general course on TKTD modelling, with most focus on DEBtox models. However, GUTS models will also be treated (especially in the on-line part). Information on (previous and planned runs of) this course. or go directly to the official course page at Copenhagen University.
  • The PrediTox winter school is running again from 27-31 January 2025 in Lyon, France (with a few spaces for virtual participation). Among the topics is also TKTD modelling with GUTS. More information.
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The openGUTS project, This site is maintained by Tjalling Jager, email: tjalling (at)